During the testing of an Azure Function against a real Azure Storage account, I came across the above storage exception message when executing the following call
await archiveBlob.SetStandardBlobTierAsync(StandardBlobTier.Cool).ConfigureAwait(false);
Checking the target account, I then realised I had created a v1 general storage account
Only BlobStorage or v2 account kinds support blob access tier. If you want to keep the account, you have the option to upgrade to a v2 account.
Note this can incur additional costs – it may be more cost-effective to create a new Blob Storage Account:
rgName="MyStorageAccount0123" accountName="myblobstorageaccount" location = "ukwest" az storage account create \ -g $rgname \ -n $accountName \ –access-tier hot \ -l $location \ --https-only true \ --sku Standard_LRS \ --kind BlobStorage
Note: the above script would work under a Bash shell (i.e. in the Azure CloudShell). If you are running az commands on Windows from the command prompt or with Powershell you need to use the ` character instead of backslash for stretching commands over multiple lines.